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Dealing with Local Authorities in the context of homelessness applications
The truth about Homelessness Applications - Councils WON'T tell you this
Homelessness and Gatekeeping: 10 ways councils illegally deny housing
The BIGGEST LIE councils tell homeless people: LOCAL CONNECTION
Homelessness FAQs: Is it ever better NOT to make a homelessness application?
Homelessness and Councils: Some sneaky little tips on Personalised Housing Plans
Homelessness FAQs: How long should it take to decide on my homelessness application?
Homelessness appeals. Top tips for an effective local authority response
Homeless ENCAMPMENT Response 101
Allocation and homelessness: what are the key issues facing local authorities?
The Three Minute Briefing - When is someone 'intentionally homeless'?
Homeless Applications: 3 judges explain what the Law actually is - s.184 & s.188